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Retailindia Leaders Association (RILA)
Welcome to About Retailindia Leaders Association (RILA)

Know About Us

Retailindia Leaders Association (RILA) is filling in as the bound together with the voice of Indian retailers. RILA was established in May 2021.RILA is a non-profit organization working for retail professionals and retailers in India. We are also supporting retailers as well as retail professionals parallelly into career development. RILA works with every partner to develop a suitable climate for growing the advanced retail industry in India. RILA is the body that has been empowering and fostering the offices and supports retailers to get present-day and embrace best practices that will please clients. RILA has three sanctions focus on retail Development, Facilitation, and Propagation.

Retailindia Leaders Association (RILA) consistently endeavors to follow the accepted procedures of the retail business and its partners. RILA’s efforts have been revolved around support and government portrayals, carrying best practices to the company. In addition, it encourages retail learning and preparing, making a repository of data through retail research, dispersing correspondence through magazines, pamphlets, sites, and so forth, to help its individuals and businesses.

Consistently, we energetically defend individuals, strategies, and thoughts that help retail flourish. Any place the business goes, the country follows-so we’re focusing on assisting retail with going. We’re retail’s most noteworthy backers, joining an industry of pioneers and limit breakers around complex issues and striking freedoms.

Work Of RILA

What We Do

RILA is a solid supporter of retailing in India and works with all degrees of government and partners. Its contract is to help work development and vocation openings in retail, advance and support retail interests in networks across the nation, and improve customer decisions and industry seriousness.

RILA additionally furnishes its individuals with a full scope of administrations and projects, including instruction and preparing, benchmarking and best works on, organizing strategy backing, and industry data. We are also looking for qualified retail certified candidates for our organization.

Subsequently, RILA is a lead exchange affiliation addressing various retailers, from corporate store retailers and retail chains to autonomous arising retailers, selling a wide choice of items across urban communities, towns, rural and virtual stores.

Vision and Mission


  • To create, work with, and rehearse that will help develop the Indian retail industry, prompting expanded utilization and development of the economy.
  • We are focusing on retail talent development in a complete way and Indian retail development in the economy.


  • To set up the development of current retail in India.
  • To support retailers by giving the necessary information and data.
  • To campaign and liaise with the entire public authority for a more straightforward foundation and tasks of retailing in India.
  • To teach and train retailers chiefly to embrace present-day retail rehearses in India.
  • To work for client delight by assisting retailers with establishing the right retail environment.
  • To energize selection of the right qualities, straightforwardness, and set of principles by retailers.